Michelle Levigne, Author

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Fantasy > The Enchanted Castle Archives

Coming March 1


So far you've heard Ash's story. Now it's time for Zair to join the story of the enchanted castle and solving the riddle of the wandering castle and the forest that floats separately from the normal stream of time.

Zair was thirteen when he was kidnapped and trained to be a Shadow -- to stand in for Crown Prince Anwir in dangerous situations. Magicians wove illusion spells around him, so he would walk and talk and sound and look like Anwir, They broke the rules of magic, and used the dust of a magic mirror to turn Zair into the mirror image of the prince.

They didn't know the mirror was still alive. Her name was Viza, and she became Zair's friend and teacher. Together, they sought a way to escape. Magic was awakening in Zair, proof that he was of royal blood, with a claim to the throne, and a threat to the current king. He needed to break the growing web of spells that imprisoned him, and reclaim his own face before time ran out.

To be finished in DISENCHANTING THE PRINCE, coming in 2026.

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