Michelle Levigne, Author

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Crooked Creek

Fantasy > Children's

There is a special placed called Crooked Creek. Only little girls and little boys can go there.
Most of the time, they visit in their dreams, after they say their prayers and kiss Mommy and Daddy good night and go to bed and close their eyes.
Bitty Mouse lives there with his ten brothers and eights sisters and Mama Mouse and Papa Mouse.

And Dinky Duckling.
And Bumble Bunny.
And Sniffy Mole.
And Oggy Frog.
And Terry Berry.
And Chirpy Bird.
And Patti Pine Tree.
Lots of friends live there, and they like to have little boys and girls come visit and play with them. They like to tell stories to them.

From Mt. Zion Ridge Press, in paper and ebook.

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