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LANIE ZEPHYR is one of the more visible characters you'll meet when you visit the weird little town of Neighborlee, Ohio.
She's always there with advice and a smart remark, and sometimes stepping in with a display of some unusual talents -
Now, Lanie gets to star in her own adventures.
Confessions of a Lost Kid
Lost Kids: toddlers found on the outskirts of town. When no one claims them, they grow up at the Neighborlee Children's Home. Some are adopted, some develop superpowers, and some vanish without explanation.
Lanie is a Lost Kid. She teams up with Kurt and Felicity, two other Lost Kids, to figure out what they are, and why they are. Mutants? Escaped genetic experiments? Alien visitors? And if so, just how do they phone home?
As Lanie and her friends learn what they can do, and develop rules for their superpowers from reading comic books, they join the other guardians of Neighborlee. Sometimes they protect the magic, the weird and wonderful of Neighborlee from the world -
Available in Audiobook
High school is rough enough, but the town of Neighborlee, Ohio, has traditions that make it even harder -
Lanie and her friends grow into their duties as guardians. The threats to Neighborlee grow darker as enemies gather from many different directions. Other worlds. Other dimensions. Possibly even the Lost Kids who were stolen years ago. The guardians do whatever it takes to protect their home.
And sometimes the guardians pay the ultimate price.
Available in Audiobook.
Lanie saved her student's life on Senior Prank Night, but broke her back and blunted some of her semi-
Now it's four years later, and Lanie's orderly life is starting to fall apart.
Her brothers are living with her while their parents are out of the country on another book research trip.
Not so bad, but their parents have missed two check-
The newspaper where Lanie works has been taken over by a conglomerate she now refers to as the Evil Empire -
Then Col. Hayward shows up to say their parents have vanished ... near the Bermuda Triangle.
A series of increasingly nasty pranks lead her to believe someone is out to get her.
But worst of all, Christmas is only a few weeks away and she hasn't started her Christmas shopping or her holiday baking spree.
It's enough to make a semi-
Oh, yeah, she never had one to begin with ...
Available in Audiobook.
The shadows from Lanie's past continue to haunt her and her friends as Neighborlee moves from Christmas to New Year's Eve. Something or someone is tampering with the magical defenses of the town. Things and people disappear and reappear, with no explanation, and gaps in memories and time. An age-
Sylvia Grandstone returns, and she's got her sights set on Daniel, Lanie's new boss. It's the same old Grandstone scheme to gain power and wealth by any means possible, including marriage. It would be easy to blame Sylvia for the new problems and mysteries, applying the Jessica Fletcher theory of crime-
As New Year's Eve approaches at Eden, the Neighborlee community center, the disappearances and time gaps increase. Instead of trying to convince town officials to cancel the New Year's Eve party, the guardians prepare for a showdown, and brace themselves to do what they have always done: defend the people of Neighborlee from the outside world, and defend the outside world from the magic and wonder and general weirdness that is Neighborlee, Ohio.
Available in audiobook.
Engagements have become a contagious disease in Neighborlee!
In between helping friends plan their weddings, Lanie deals with a dog (that is much more than a dog) that has moved in with her.
Then there's an unwanted match from a dating service that might be planted by enemies of the guardians.
While the guardians slowly make contact with possible allies, they sift through warehouses full of information about their enemies, the Rivals, and discover a new problem: Daniel, Lanie's new boss, might be an enemy spy …
Return of the Living Proof
What do a pregnant, shape-
That's what Lanie and her growing team of allies are trying to figure out.
Cerb is back, with Loralee, the "girl" of his dreams -
Then there are strange visions that result from unwise exploration of Black Water Pool and Jinx's pond. Both are off-
When magically altered water seems to open a doorway to view the past, Lanie and her brothers take advantage of a chance to figure out what happened to their parents in Bermuda, going on two years ago. The question is if they're preparing to rescue their parents -
Just when the guardians of Neighborlee believe they can relax, just a little, and enjoy the holidays, a new enemy makes a strike, aiming at some newcomers who have come to town seeking shelter. Is this another, roundabout attempt to break down the defensive shield around the town, or a more sinister plot?
Are the attacks aimed ultimately at Angela?
Clues indicate this isn't a new enemy at all, but an old enemy making another attempt to get a foothold in Neighborlee and perhaps steal not just magic, but break open the gates that Divine's Emporium and Angela keep securely closed.
What type of magic is this that seems to be active only at night, and disintegrates with the coming of dawn?
Available in Audiobook
The Living Proof Gets the Blues
Dark shadows from Pastor Rocky's past seem to be the newest tools of an ancient enemy to try to tear down the gates that Divine's Emporium and Angela hold closed against inimical forces from other dimensions.
Nothing makes sense anymore when the guardians are forced to make the most difficult choice of all: help the Grandstones stay in Neighborlee, or take a chance that the New Age cult searching for "celestial children" will drive them out.
Everything seems to depend on Pastor Rocky and his friends from Magna Magma "getting the band back together."
Available in audiobook.