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This is the place to learn about goodies, freebies, upcoming events.
My way of saying thanks for visiting, for subscribing to my newsletter, reading, checking out the website ....
The good stuff will change from time to time, so please do come back!!!
Sign up for my newsletter, where you'll get a chance for free ebook short stories, and advance releases of coming books, as well as sneak previews of cover art, and other goodies as I think of them!
Ye Olde Dragon's Library storytelling podcast has 2 new episodes/chapters of the current fantastical fiction novel each week.
PLUS, every once in a while, we're offering STORYTELLER episodes, where we chat with authors of fantastical fiction.
You can listen on your favorite podcast app, or you can go to Ye Olde Dragon Books and listen right there on the website. Just click on the link to the podcast page.
Freebie Firsty Days
On the first day of each month, you can check my blog or Ye Olde Dragon Books for a link for a free audio or ebook short story.
You have the option at that time to sign up for my newsletter. You don't have to, but why not?
Sign up for my newsletter, and you'll get advance notice of which short story is coming up next, along with news on upcoming titles, works-Each month, a new book will be the feature, with a free first chapter in audio on the Ye Olde Dragon's Library storytelling podcast, quizzes to earn points for free books, a short book trailer for the new book, and a discount price on that title in print, ebook, and audio ALL MONTH LONG.
Look for the Neighborlee Visitor's Guide page on Ye Olde Dragon Books for the latest news, and check the blog every few days for a new quiz.
We now have buy links, to order directly from the printer, and save $$$, for:
The Guardians of the Time Stream.
AFV Defender novels
Young Defender novels
Fairytale Anthologies
Classic Monster Anthologies
Here are the promised links to choose your free short story and sign up for my newsletter.
Thanks for coming to the book fair!
The Scent of Adventure -
The Scent of Adventure -
Daughter of the Beastly Beauty -
For the Birds -
Class Reunion -
Tabor Hts short stories -