Michelle Levigne, Author

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Welcome to the website for Michelle Levigne, author and editor.

Here you can explore and learn about the various worlds of my imagination: science fiction, fantasy, romance, steampunk, YA, inspirational, women's fiction. I have a lot of books and a lot of universes and storylines for you to explore!
We're also adding BUY LINKS where you can go directly to the printer to order books and save $$$. Keep checking back as we update!

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Check out the GOOD STUFF page to find the latest freebie!
Make sure you check out Ye Olde Dragon Books on the 1st of every month -- there could be a FREE short story to download, in ebook and audiobook.

Ye Olde Dragon's Library storytelling podcast.

You can tune in on your favorite podcast app each week for half an hour of the latest book, WHITE WOLF, Book 2 in theSteward's World Fantasy series, or listen right on the podcast page at Ye Olde Dragon Books.

Check the Patreon group, Ye Olde Dragon's Library, for a heads up on new stories -- JOIN the Patreon group to have access to FREE short stories before they're released to the public.

Tabor Hts. Year One, Book 6


The hardest thing Nikki has ever done is go home to Tabor Heights, to the people who know how far she fell, and the hearts she broke. Four years after she ran away with Brock Pierson, she has turned her life around, getting right with her family and with God. Now, working for the Arc Foundation, she is sent to assess the Mission for funding. She refuses to fail the God who has forgiven her, and let down her home church.

Turning against his drug-runner boss and working for the DEA was just the first step for Brock to pay for his crimes. Released from prison, he follows Nikki home. Now that he has given his life to God, he wants more than anything to win her back, and make sure their love is the right kind. Shadows from his past might prevent that, just when redemption is within reach.

Nikki knows she won't find full healing until she forgives Brock, but she discovers she has to forgive herself, first.

Check out Mt. Zion Ridge Press for information, or you can obtain ebooks and audiobooks from my other website, Ye Olde Dragon Books.


Young Defenders Book 3
Elli's Story

Elli arrives on the Defender with her older brother, Dom, an engineer. Their parents died several years ago, and Dom has been taking care of her ever since.

Elli is worried that she won't be able to make friends. Her colony world was hit with an epidemic, and everyone has been living in isolation. Even worse, Elli is afraid to admit that she was exposed to the Rewire Fever.

Something seems to be wrong with her brain. She can smell people's emotions, and she hears sounds that tell her what people are feeling. Elli wants to hide all these strange, new things she can do. Then she meets Tress Lore, who has just learned she can hear what people are thinking. They both become students of Master Maenta, who teaches them that Enlo gives special gifts for specific reasons, and even when something goes wrong, good things, better things can come from it

From Ye Olde Dragon Books

In print and ebook



Classic Monster Anthology 4

Now you see them … now you don't…

Who hasn't dreamed of being invisible, either to play a trick or to escape or to get revenge? For greed or power or justice?
Who hasn't felt invisible, at one time or another?
What if it became real?
What if you dreamed of the power of invisibility, and achieved it at too high a price?
What if you became invisible by accident? What would you do with that power?

These eleven stories explore what it means to fade utterly from view, by choice, by accident, by need, through pain or greed.
Which story could be your story … but for the grace of God?

All our anthologies at  Ye Olde Dragon Books are available in Print and Ebook.

Coming Soon!

THE HERO'S MASK and SONG OF THE NIGHTSKIMMER: 2 new Talon titles, set in Age 1 of the Commonwealth Universe

PEACE VILLAGE, the 3rd Refuge book, sequel to Wind Walker and Moonbirds.

With these 3 books, the promised Age 1 stories are complete.
(you are now free to start binge reading ...)

I'm getting to work on Age 2, which had only 1 book published in that era, UNDYING, a story about the birth of the Order. If you've read the Sunsinger books and VIRTUALLY DEAD, you've already met the heroine, Marnya. This is her story -- and how the Order of Kilvordi brought the human race back from barbarism and sent them back to the stars.

There will be 3 Order titles when finished: Undying, Scholar, and Vision. (coming in 2025) Then tales about the rediscovery of the colonies lost during the Downfall.

Then on to Age 3!!!! Starting with the long-awaited story of the childhood of Lin Fieran and the Free Trader ship Sunsinger,

Ready?  It's going to be fun!!

Special thanks to Sandy Cummins, the intreprid publisher and brains and energy behind Writers Exchange of Australia. She took a chance on my first Sunsinger novel, and has been working tirelessly for years helping authors get published, and constantly updating our books to make them more visible, and the best they can possibly be!

If you came here looking for something in particular, and you don't see it, please email and ask me!
I can point you to my blog, where you can read excerpts of some of the books, or to one of my publishers, where you can read about the books, read exerpts, and buy ebook or print editions.

If you're looking for EDITING services, contact me to ask about rates and turnaround time.
If you just want editing advice, have you considered my book of writing advice -- with a serving of snark on the side?
DO YOURSELF A FAVOR: Tips and Quips on the Writing Life, published by Mt. Zion Ridge Press. In paper and ebook.

My blog is at: www.MichelleLevigne.blogspot.com
Check out my blog and sign up for my newsletter.
OR, check out the GOODIES PAGE for the most recent link for a free book if you sign up for my newsletter.

You can find me on Facebook -- I have a  personal page and an  author page.

I'm also on Pinterest and Instagram. Your choice!

Welcome. I hope you have fun looking around, and you'll visit again, because whenever there's a new book or development, I'll be updating this page.

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